How to become the best candidate for Breast Reduction Surgery
Enlarged breasts lead to numerous physical & emotional issues like restrictions on certain physical activities, back/chronic pain, sleeping issues, low self esteem, not fitting into clothes and many more. Breast reduction is the best solution to all these issues, as it is clear from the name itself, this procedure helps you get rid of the large breasts causing you many difficulties.
Many women feel insecure of their body because of big breasts and eventually they become a reason for their disappointment and embarrassment in front of society. If you feel this much emotionally challenged, then breast reduction surgery can be the best settlement for you.
How is Breast Reduction Surgery done?
Most of the time, general anesthesia is given to patients before the surgery. Procedure can involve incisions or can be done with Liposuction to remove fat. With incisions, a cut is made around the nipple area. Then, all the unnecessary fats are removed and then stitches are made lifting the breast and giving it the right shape.
Tips To Prepare For Breast Reduction
Following some tips before the surgery can make a real difference in making a smooth surgery and effective results out of it. These follow ups are given below
1. Get Pre Surgery Tests
To make sure you are in a good health condition, and you have no risk to opt for this surgery, you must get some health based tests and those which are suggested by your surgeon to be taken. After being sure of your physical health being fine, you can take further steps to move ahead.
2. Discuss Your Expectations With Surgeon
Having realistic expectations from the surgery and discussing it with your surgeon is primarily important. Your surgeon must be aware of how much size you need for your breasts. Also, have a detailed discussion breast reduction procedures, its risks and complications to make yourself prepare for surgery. It is better for your results if you and your surgeon are expecting the same results.
3. Take Leave From Job
Taking some days off from your work before the surgery can help you from getting trouble or getting leave after the surgery. So, after surgery, you will have no worries of getting off from your job. Also, along with the healthy body, a healthy and stress free mind is also important. Make sure you are relaxed and mentally prepared.
4. Prepare Your Recovery Area
To get fully prepared for the surgery, you must not forget to make all the things available in your recovery area depending upon the needs like medicines for pain relief, ointments suggested by your surgeon, comfortable clothes, and surgical bras.
4. Stop Smoking
To have better results, you must stop smoking a week before the surgery. Smoking or drinking can slow down your recovery and can make several risks and complications for you during the process of healing wounds during your recovery time period.
5. Bring Company for Surgery
You should bring someone from your family or friends to be there where your surgery is going to happen. It can be a great support for you and also you need someone to drive you home after the surgery. After surgery also, for the initial period of your recovery, keeping someone with you can be really helpful.
6. Avoid some medicines
Some days before the surgery, you must stop taking some medicines like aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, or any herbal medicines, these can increase your bleeding during and after the surgery.
7. Take Pictures And Measurements of Your Breasts
To get a before and after of breasts and to examine results you can take pictures of your breasts and measure their size. It will also allow the surgeon to maintain medical records of his patient.
8. Get New Sports Bra
For the comfort of your breasts , you must get some sports bras for you. They can act as a compressor, and are also very safe for the breasts. As you have to wear it for a few days after the surgery everytime, you must choose some comfortable bras.
9. Try to Lose Weight
To have good results, better healing, smooth recovery, you must try to lose weight as much as you can. You must start eating healthy by intaking right amount of nutrients, protein in it. You can opt for exercises and workouts to remain healthy and fit for the surgery.
10. Stay Hydrated
Water is beneficial for the proper functioning of the body and making your skin healthy. Having water as much as you can will help you in getting better skin and good health for the surgery. Being healthy and fit is very essential for the surgery, as it can save you from many risks and complications of the surgery.
These tips might seem very basic but these tips will only help get the best results. By following these minimum instructions, you will be well prepared for the surgery, it will not only decrease the risk proportion but also will help in the recovery period. Stick to these tips even after the surgery additional to the instructions given by surgeon, you will observe a faster recovery rate and better results which will last longer than usual. If you are willing to get the breast reduction surgery and want to get it done by a professional, book an appointment with our expert surgeons now and they will solve all your queries.